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Two day vintage Redline & LEO Hot Wheels, comic books and more


October 11, 2020
Online pre-bidding starts at 2:00 AM

October 24, 2020
Live online bidding starts at 10:00 AM

470 LOTS

All lots are available online on our bidding platform.

Featured Lots
Online and live vintage Redline Hot Wheels, models,
die cast, comic books and more
This auction will consist of an eclectic selection of toys, 100+ fantastic Redline Hot Wheels, many carded Leo India Hot Wheels, Hot Wheels Steering Rigs, modern and vintage die cast from Matchbox, Impy, Corgi, Husky, Efsi, comic books to include Avengers 1-100 and others, Marvel mini busts, vintage Barclay and Manoil lead soldiers and more with details to come as auction draws nearer.  We will have approximately 400 lots to offer in this sale
Live in-house bidders shall pay a 10% buyers premium, online bidders shall pay a 15% buyers premium, a 3.5% convenience fee shall be applied for credit or paypal payments on top of the entire invoice and anyone bidding from inside the state of Indiana without a reseller tax ID shall pay a 7% tax. Shipping is handled in-house but billed on a separate invoice through Shipping Saint, a website that we use to get the best rates.
Wylie Stivers IN AU11500031 TCA 14-70225
We are always accepting good consignments for future sales, vintage toys, Lionel and American Flyer trains, model kits, action figures, comic books, Star Wars, slot cars, die cast such as Corgi, Matchbox, Hot Wheels and Dinky, Marx play sets, firearms and vintage militaria. We have well over 45 years of experience on our staff in dealing with vintage toys, collectibles and valuable items.
Wylie Stivers
Toystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC
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